API v8 - DeprecatedInterfacesRESTPatchAPIGuildVoiceStateCurrentMemberJSONBodyVersion: 0.37.73On this pageRESTPatchAPIGuildVoiceStateCurrentMemberJSONBody @deprecatedAPI and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.Index Propertieschannel_idrequest_to_speak_timestampsuppressProperties channel_idchannel_id: stringThe id of the channel the user is currently inoptionalrequest_to_speak_timestamprequest_to_speak_timestamp?: null | stringSets the user’s request to speakoptionalsuppresssuppress?: booleanToggles the user’s suppress state
API and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.